For many years I dreamt of getting Karthick to the top of the Google SEO engine. My name is spelt different, I’m Karthick.

I had it some semblance with the other blogs of mine but except for a creative burst between 2005-2011. I stopped blogging. Life came in the way and interests were varied but mostly I forgot the joy of writing. I forgot the joy of creating.

I was so paranoid about maintaining my status as one of the top Alexa ranked blogs (from India) that I used to write things that didn’t really resonate and weren’t timeless.

Then I got hacked. I lost everything.

I didn’t even know I got hacked because I had spent so much time away from the blog that I didn’t even check it till one day I mistakenly got a reference to one of my own cached articles from a friend. I checked that link first and mo@##%$3 it was hacked by some Pakistani group. So I had to remove everything painfully from my servers, change passwords etc.

But it gives me a fresh new start now. I also bought the new domain name. I’ll be writing about things in Life, startups, companies, Apple, Design, eSports and Movies. I’m too diverse to maintain a single interest. I am too large to be constrained to a niche.

I hope you have fun reading. I love feedback, give it to me when you can.

Welcome to my home.